SafeMoon Lowdown (March 12th, 2022)

Table of Contents:

SafeMoon Swap | SafeMoon Labs | SafeMoon Saturday | Mandala Exchange

SafeMoon Army Birthday Celebration | SafeMoon Creations | Reminders

SafeMoon Swap

Router Upgrade

SafeMoon Education Manager CatsRus has created a guide for those who are unsure of how to remove their LP. Check it out here.

24hr Volume Chart

Created by SafeMoon Mod Hydra!

SafeMoon Labs

To check out Gandalf's SFM Labs video and article on the topic Community in the Digital Age, click here!

SafeMoon Saturday

Today is the day for the SXSW SafeMoon Saturday event where CEO John Karony will be speaking on and discussing various topics beginning at 11AM CST!

  1. What is venture philanthropy?

  2. Fast Launch - how to create (and sustain) a giant community

  3. How to engage the 'crypto curious'

  4. Impact's next era: impact everywhere

  5. What does it take to create truly effective DeFI (afternoon panel with CNBC)

To view the full schedule click here.

He's there and ready to go! John tweeted this morning this image along with "Great conversations at #SXSW2022! Thank you .@GritDaily for hosting. Looking forward to a full day of additional great conversations." We are all looking forward to it as well! 🙌💗

Mandala Exchange

SafeMoon community member Spyros said to Mandala CEO Joe Rieben, "thank YOU for not giving up on the Glotoks concept!"

Joe replied, "Never! We promise something, we work to accomplish it."

SafeMoon Army Birthday Celebration

Since March started, we have been showcasing some really awesome community members who wanted to share their own thoughts and experiences about this past year with SafeMoon.

First up we have Twitter regular and Space host ManDoge!!!

I got into SafeMoon as many did by first getting my feet wet in holding Doge. Doge brought me into crypto but SafeMoon has grounded me in DeFi. Our amazing community is what has made me stay and engage in a way that I never had anticipated. This first year's journey with SafeMoon has been a great distraction from the pandemic. I have gotten to know so many great and passionate individuals that I can now call friends. I consider myself a lucky fella to have my wife “Whiskey” get bitten by the SafeMoon bug and we have enjoyed the journey together. SafeMoon's first birthday is an exciting milestone for me because I feel as if the foundation is built. Exciting things are in the works and I can’t imagine just how explosive this tech company will be in the coming years. As I watch, I’m resolved to hold on, keep my faith in the team and lend my support and voice to help spread all the good things SafeMoon has in store for the world!


Next we have Darren, another Twitter community member!

How did you get into SafeMoon? I got into SafeMoon by chance. My friend (singer of our band) mentioned Bitcoin last year in May, and that the price was low enough where it might be good to get some. I did, and during that I started looking into it more to understand crypto better. I found out about DeFi and got into SafeMoon shortly after. Saw a lot of talk on it, so blindly put some money into it (only maybe $200) with no research. After that, I began diving in deeper and reactivated my dormant Twitter account to get more involved in crypto communities.

How has SafeMoon affected your life?

SafeMoon has been a major investment for me, personally. I have a healthy bag, for sure. I have made lots of wonderful friends through the community and know so much more about all of crypto now as a result of diving in.

How are you feeling about the 1st birthday?

I feel very excited about the 1st birthday. I don’t have any expectations - I’ve learned it’s always best to keep them low, or have none at all to maintain happiness. With that being said, something feels different lately. Maybe it’s just the overall high energy in the community and nothing more. All I can say is I’ve never sold a single holding and am more bullish than ever before now. Every day has really fun so far this month and we’re only 4 days in!

Where do you see SafeMoon going in the next year?

I think SafeMoon in the next year will become more established and widely used, with more use case, etc. I see an exchange and a blockchain, for sure. I have to say though, I see this as a long term hold - so they come out when they come out. No rush in my eyes. I am extremely patient and feel as though I have invested in the potential of the team.

Do you have a fun memory with the SafeMoon Army you’d like to share?

A fun memory with the SafeMoon Army is really just all the wonderful people I’ve met. Not one particular memory, so much as the helpful community members. There are some truly great people out there.

Anything else you would like to add?

The only thing I’d like to add… is… LFG!!!!

Thank you ManDoge and Darren for taking the time to share this with us!! 💕💕

Community Creations

SafeMoon Mod SharCaan tweeted, "Okay, this is another perfect representation of the amazing talent within the #SAFEMOONARMY Big Shoutout to my incredible friend Kerr from the Official SafeMoon Discord server. 🔥🔥🔥🔥"

Credit to Kerr - Discord Astronaut

Thank you for sharing this awesome artwork with the community!!!


Router Upgrade

SafeMoon will be upgrading their router on March 22nd and will therefore need ALL Swap LP providers to remove their pairings from the LP or you can lose it!

This includes anyone who has ever used the "Add Liquidity" feature on SFM Swap!

Twitter Space with Ryan Transcript:

SafeMoon's Global Head of Products Ryan Arriaga hopped into a Twitter Space recently and shared all kinds of goodies with the SafeMoon Army. If you haven't checked it out yet, you can find the Q&A here!

MoonCast: Did you miss this past week's MoonCast? We've got you covered with a nice summary and the recording here!

Birthday Presents:

So far this month SafeMoon has announced:

- New domain - 0% MoonPay fees until March 19th

- New SafeMoon Wallet update

- New branding

- New SafeMoon Swap Listing

We're only in Week 2! More coming soon!


If you'd like to see things that have happened over the last 2 months check out the Monthly Pulse here.


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Yesterday's Lowdown

Pulse (Monthly SafeMoon recap)

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